Have you ever seen something so horrific you couldn’t look away? Been so in love you’re starting to get annoyed by the person and his/her actions? Eaten so much pistachio ice-cream just the thought of it still repulses you?

When it comes to defining my meaning to seduction and repulsion I believe that there is no separate seduction and no separate repulsion. They tend to stick together, sometimes being one and the same. They are an actor performing two roles in a play, dancing twofaced around on the stage that is your brain. Everchanging and constantly spinning, never giving your mind a rest. Seduction or Attraction appears first on stage, luring you in and gradually giving more and more of itself. When suddenly the actor makes a 180 degree turn revealing his other side. It’s time for Repulsion, who has been silently waiting in the dark for his moment to strike, to claim the foreground. Only now the play starts to get interesting. They start spinning around in circles, your dilated pupils don’t know where to look first. The more you focus on him the harder he runs. It is only when your interest starts to fade away that he progressively slows down. The periods of Attraction and Repulsion prolong and feelings stick more and more. Though the twirling won’t ever stop and will go on for all eternity for thing and man are impossible to be known for 100%.

Everything and everyone has its own personal performer in your head, negotiating the good and the bad. It is only after enough knowledge of the thing/person and not to forget personal experience that one is capable of giving a (temporary) substantiated opinion about an object/person. Still should you keep an open mind and accept the fact that you as well as the subject are continually developing. Following my thought process you can conclude that when something attracts you, you strangely enough feel repulsed by it and visa versa.

My perception is, even though they don’t give of the same feeling, they are sprung from the same well. Therefor the feeling of attraction and disdain should be considered equals and are domed under the word interesting. Interest, who is predecessor as well as defined by these to words, can also be seen as an incentive to further explore your taste for the object/person. It is important that these feelings are well nourished and continued to be challenged. It would be shortsighted not to.

My personal experience with these feelings is that I sometimes let myself get carried away with one part of the play. Locking myself into one perspective to easy and forgetting about the bigger picture, by myself or by the influence of others. But despite my rash judgement I still keep the subjects that repulse me close. If it isn’t as a form of self-mutilation then it is as an interest I would like to maintain. Collecting as much information as possible hoping it would one day help u to appreciate or give a well structured opinion about the subject. That is why writing this page was such a difficult task for in this my attraction or disdain against the subject also comes shimmering through. Though I just wanted to give a well written text that illustrates how I go by giving my opinion on things and seeing the world. I still hope this was useful of any kind successfully giving my point of view.